Religious Places

Viterbo and the Church of San Faustino and Giovita

The church, which stands on the square of the same name, is dedicated to Saints Faustino and Giovita. Surely this structure does not go unnoticed because its ancient walls tell a long story. The original church probably dates back to the beginning of 1200, while the shape in which it appears today is the result of a rebuilding work of 1759. The church played an important role in the past and traces of those historical periods are still visible on the three entrance doors. The cross of the Knights of Rhodes stands out in plain sight, which, together with the two tombstones inserted in the façade, remind visitors of the history of the ancient knights. In 1523 the Knights of Rhodes were driven out of the beautiful Greek island of Rhodes by the Turks. By concession of the Pope they settled in Viterbo, in the Albornoz Fortress, remaining there until 1527. Considering the proximity of the church this place of worship was used to officiate the religious rites of the order. Inside, moreover, there were buried some knights whose tombstones are still visible in the left aisle. The memory of the Knights of Rhodes is still very strong today, when the knights left Viterbo to settle in Malta they donated to the church of San Faustino a precious icon of the Virgin with child called "Madonna of Constantinople". The icon is located in a chapel at the end of the left aisle of the church of San Faustino and, still today, is very much venerated and jealously guarded by the people of Viterbo. The exterior of the church is in neoclassical style and is in harmony with the context in which the structure is inserted. Do not hesitate to enter, the interior of the church will amaze you with frescoes of the fifteenth century and works of art. In the small square in front of the church, you will find the beautiful fountain of San Faustino.

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