The Vikos Gorge begins 600m after Monodendri village and constitutes a true natural monument. Its overall length exceeds 30km (Tselepovo-Kleidonia). Its depth varies. In Monodendri it reaches 600m and is its the narrowest point and in Vikos village it reaches 1.200m (more than 1.300m in its east part and approximately 1.100m in its west part). In its deeper part the gorge reaches approximately 2.200m width.
Due to its geological isolation and the absence of human presence, Vikos gorge includes rare plant and flower species of Epirus. There have also been recorded more than 110 bird species, 19 serpent and amphibian species, as well as many rare butterfly species. Finally, in Aoos and Voidomatis rivers live 7 fish species.
The best period to visit the gorge is during summer and in the beginning of fall when the river is shallow. This fact makes passages easier to cross. If you have a stable pace you can cross the gorge in approximately 7 hours. It might sound very long but the scenery with its beauties will definitely reward you.