The Pont Chaban-Delmas (Chaban-Delmas Bridge) is now part of the identity of Bordeaux although it was built recently in 2013; it was inaugurated by the Mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé and the French President.
This is a lifting bridge which enables big ships to sail into the heart of Bordeaux opposite the ‘Miroir d’Eau (water mirror). Its name "Chaban-Delmas" is in honour of Jacques Chaban-Delmas, a former French Prime Minister and former Mayor of Bordeaux. Located between the Pont d’Aquitaine and the Pont de Pierre, this is the fifth bridge over the Garonne. 575 metres long and 77 metres high, it is the tallest lift bridge in France, and even in Europe!
When night falls, the bridge is illuminated and constitutes yet another beautiful facet of the Port of the Moon, to the delight of Bordelais and photographers. The blue colour of the pylons corresponds to high tide, whereas the green indicates low tide.