
Scansano,an ancient village and its wine

cansano, immersed in the Grosseto Maremma, is located on a mountainous ridge that forms the watershed between the rivers Ombrone and Albegna. It has been considered since ancient times a healthy and holiday resort, to the point that under Leopold II the offices of the Municipality of Grosseto, capital of the Maremma province, moved there in the summer for the so-called "estatura" so that employees and their families could escape the risks of malaria. The town offers beautiful views both of the sea and of Mount Amiata. Its territory was in the Middle Ages divided between the Sienese influence and that of the Aldobrandeschi. In the XIV century it was included in the county of Santa Fiora which in 1439 passed to the Sforza family, under whose rule it remained until 1633, when it became part of the Medici Grand Duchy. In addition to counting on agricultural resources, in particular vines, Scansano has played, since the eighteenth century, a role of some importance in the mining industry, being active until recent times mines of mercury, antimony, sulphur and lignite.

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