Uncontaminated Nature

Interregional Park Sasso Simone and Simoncello

If we start from the Adriatic coast and move along the course of the Marecchia river, in a short time we reach, through villages and breathtaking landscapes, the heart of Montefeltro, that historical region on the border between Emilia-Romagna, Republic of San Marino, Marche and Tuscany. It is here, in the northernmost part of the Umbria-Marche Apennines, straddling no less than 6 municipalities (Carpegna, Frontino, Montecopiolo, Pian di Meleto, Pennabilli and Pietrarubbia), that the great Sasso Simone and Simoncello Interregional Park extends, covering an area of 4791 hectares. In summer and winter it is possible to practice, with respect and on tiptoe, the most varied sports activities to experience its natural environments, learn about geological peculiarities and botanical rarities, or even meet the wildlife or discover the artistic and monumental testimonies present in the territory. On foot, on horseback or by mountain bike, the whole area is served by a rich internal road network that allows you to reach almost all the main excursion destinations, including the last two stages of the Alta Via dei Parchi that from Monte Fumaiolo lead to the Hermitage of the Madonna del Faggio. The entire district has equipped areas for its guests and also a Nature Museum and Visitor Centre (Pennabilli) and a Wildlife Park (Pian dei Prati), with domestic and wild animals and environmental education centres. There are also numerous museums in the Park and various facilities for welcoming groups and school parties, Park facilities (Ostello di Calvillano and Foresteria di Frontino) and hotels, holiday farms, campsites and restaurants to suit all tastes. Finally, it is worth remembering that there is a military firing ground inside the Park. Hikers are therefore invited, before starting the excursion, to find out whether the path they intend to take crosses the military firing ground and whether exercises are planned.

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