The main protected object of Frolikhinsky reserve is a glacial lake Frolikha. The reserve is located in the North Baikal region of the Republic of Buryatia on the north-eastern coast of Lake Baikal, 40 km away from the village of Nizhneangarsk and 45 km away from the city of Severobaikalsk.
The total area of the game reserve makes up 109 200 hectares with the following boundaries:
– northern – from the Nemnyanka Cape along the watershed of the rivers of Pravaya Frolikha and Okulikan to their sources;
– eastern – from the sources of the rivers of Pravaya Frolikha and Okulikan along their watershed between the upper reaches of the springs and rivers flowing into the rivers of Pravaya Frolikha and Levaya Frolikha rivers and the Tompuda river up to the source of the Shirildy river;
– southern – from the source of the Shirildy river downstream along its left bank to the confluence of the Shirildy river in Lake Baikal;
– western – from the mouth of the Shirildy river within the coastline of the game reserve to Nemnyanka Cape, with the exception of the territory allocated for the “Khakusy” hydropathic establishment.
It is home of rare fish species listed in the Red Book as endangered relict species – Arctic char from the salmon family. The reserve was founded exactly in order to maintain its population.
In the territory of the Frolikhinsky reserve, there are no settlements, only a temporary stopover visited by inspectors on team shifting, so one-day visits, with no staying overnight are arranged there. Within a day the reserve visitors have time to explore in part the local natural beauties. There are several hiking trails marked with signs, one of which is “Ayaya Bay – Lake Frolikha.” The second trail leads from the Biraya river mouth to the lake Frolikha and then along the Levay Frolikha river valley to lake Ukoinda. The third trail has an intriguing name “Frolikha adventure trail” – the route winds along the shore of Lake Baikal from the complex “Khakusy” to the Upper Angara mouth. However, the final route is designed for the physically fit prople – they will have to go as much as 90 kilometers.
It is best to come to Frolikhinsky Reserve with a tent for a few days. No fee is charged for the visit to Frolikhinsky reserve.