Typical Dishes

Florence and La schiacciata fiorentina

The Florentine schiacciata is the typical Carnival cake of the city of Florence. Made with very simple ingredients it is a delicious traditional recipe of Tuscan cuisine. A recipe with popular origins, initially it was probably bread dough enriched with sugar, lard, spices, juice and orange peel. Recipe that obviously changed over time. The shape, however, remains the traditional one, rectangular and rather low. As well as the presence of grated orange peel and mixed powdered spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, star anise and saffron to give fragrance and colour. We have prepared it with butter, commonly used today, but there is nothing to prevent the use of lard, as per tradition, or olive oil. Characterized by a double leavening, which ensures its softness, the Florentine schiacciata is not complicated, but requires that you devote the right time. The final result, however, gives great satisfaction: a very soft, fragrant and delicious cake. Simple enough to be an excellent dessert for breakfast and snacks.

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