Cudillero is a Lovely Village established by the Vikings in Asturias, Spain. What makes the fishing village of Cudillero my favourite maritime cultural heritage is the relation of the people with the sea.
The earliest historic reference of the village is from the 13th century. Cudillero is populated by the Pixuetos , the fishermen who live close to the har¬bour, and the Caízos, who came from the surrounding countryside. The Pixuetos, settled on this location because of the natural harbour and the easy access to the sea. They have a special dialect that is only spoken in the village. Every year the annual festivity is opened with a speech from a boat by one of the fishermen.
Even though Cudillero is depending mostly on tourism today, it managed to maintain the identity of a fishing village. The men are mostly fishermen and the women are in charge of the reparation of the nets, the fire beacon that guide the boats into the harbour. The town is completely orientated to the sea. The inhabitants build their colourful houses on the slope of the mountain that runs right into the sea.
Among the traditions related to the sea that can be mentioned the regional costume stands out an it differs from the rest of the region. Also worth mentioning is the traditional dish called Cudillero. It consists of dried small sharks catched in the Cantrabic Sea.