Palaces, Villas and Castles

Chateau de Calberte

Chateau de Calberte, mentioned in documents from 1092, was one of the numerous feudal castles standing in the Cévenol valleys. It was hold turns by turns by Anduze and Budos families and was under the jurisdiction of Château des Portes. Abandoned at the end of the 14th century or at the beginning of the 15th century, it faded from memories until nowadays. Nobody could remember that the very name of Saint Germain de Calberte stems from ruins erected on a rocky piton of the surrounding valley. For the 20th century, after its destruction, the Château Saint Pierre was still in use thanks to its castral chapel. Before the chapel has also been abandoned. Since 1965, it has been renovated by the Darnas family. They managed to revive this set, condemned by history. Today, its renovation is nearly over.

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