From Villasimius, take provincial road 18 for a few miles, a panoramic stretch connecting with Costa Rei, which offers picture-perfect views and panoramas. On the road, clearly visible signs indicate the way to get to the beach. After a short walk from the parking lot, you can finally sink your feet in the warm and very white sand of this beach. Behind you is the green of junipers, lentisks, eucalyptus and maritime pines. In front is the spectacle of the sea, where the blue and all its shades respect a perfect chromatic order, up to the blue line of the horizon. The space is wide, you have 2 km available to choose your sand patch; roll out your sheets and go to bathe on the shore, with your feet soaking in the crystal clear water. And then there are an infinite number of services: spas, kiosks, restaurants, and rest areas for campers. If you want to dive into the deepest sea, rent a small boat and row away.