<p>This is one of five known stone designs similar to Viquesney’s "Spirit of the American Doughboy" but which lacks the full battle gear. They are all thought to have been made by McNeel Marble Company of Marietta, Georgia, and at least one was misrepresented as a Viquesney Doughboy in a sales pitch to the town of Clarksville, Tennessee. According to research done by site visitor David Alsobrook, of Mobile, Alabama, the statue was dedicated Sunday, January 11, 1925, at 2:45 p.m. (source: January 16, 1925 Avondale Sun, page 3).</p>
<p>Thus, many websites quoting a 1920 dedication year are incorrect. Also according to the news article, the rifle held by the Eufaula statue was described as a "Winchester", whereas the Viquesney versions hold a Springfield 1903.</p>