Not everyone knows that apart from the waves of the ocean, in Western Australia, around the town of Hyden is the Wave Rock, a wave of stone. Yes, you got it right: a stone wave (or a wave-shaped stone, if you prefer) in which, not even to say it, people enjoy taking pictures posing as surfers. In addition to its theatricality due to its curious shape, Wave Rock and the surrounding area have a value in Aboriginal culture. Aboriginal people were the first inhabitants of the area and they were always the ones who declared the area forbidden after an event. It is said of a woman who fell in love with a man from another tribe with whom she basically could not fall in love, according to tribal law. A difficult Romeo and Juliet love, so to speak. The two gave birth to a cross-eyed son, a Mulka. This physical defect did not allow him, in adulthood, to hunt with a spear, so he began to kill and eat children and was marginalized in a cave (Mulka’s Cave mentioned above). A story definitely not with a happy ending, which probably wanted to be a warning to all those who wanted to break tribal law.