Palaces, Villas and Castles

Wаwеl Саstlе

Wаwеl Саstlе is а glоriоus рlасе situаtеd оn tор оf а hill in thе Оld Тоwn. The first settlers in Wawel Hill date back to the Paleolithic period. Веing оnе оf thе bеst рlасеs tо visit in Кrаkоw, this wоndеrful саstlе is а symbоl оf nаtiоnаl рridе, sеlf-rulе, hоре, аnd fiеrсе раtriоtism fоr Роlаnd. Wawel offers a uniquely Polish version of the British Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey rolled into one. A gorgeous assortment of predominantly Romanesque, Renaissance and Gothic architecture dating from around the 14th century onwards, Wawel is the crown jewel of Kraków’s architectural treasures and required visiting for Poles and foreigners alike. Wawel Royal Castle is extremely big and has numerous points of interest. These are some of the most important: Wawel Cathedral: Considered the country’s spiritual hub, Wawel Cathedral is an important symbol of the history of Poland. John Paul II Cathedral Museum: Inaugurated in 1978 by Karol Wojtyla, the museum houses numerous religious artefacts and valuable royal insignias. Dragon’s Den: According to a famous Polish legend, this cave is where the Wawel Dragon lived. The grotto is 270 meters long, going all the way to the banks of Vistula river, where a sculpture of the Dragon stands. Royal Palace: The Polish monarchs’ first residency, Wawel Royal Castle was founded during the eleventh century and is currently one of the most famous buildings in Poland. The Royal Palace is divided into various living spaces, which are accessed independently: Lost Wawel: This exhibit is located in the Castle’s basement and shows how the hill and its buildings have evolved throughout the past one thousand years. It showcases objects from the Middle Ages and some remains of the Gothic style castle. State Rooms: The castle’s main exhibition. It preserves valuable paintings, sixteenth century Italian furniture, beautiful tapestries, stucco ceilings and other original elements. Royal Private Apartments: The former apartments for court members and guest rooms are located on the first floor and can only be visited accompanied by an English-speaking guide. Crown Treasury and Armory: This exhibition houses dazzling jewelry, precious stones, armory and other significant historic objects, such as the Szczerbiec coronation sword. Oriental Art: The items of this exhibition include carpets, tapestries, armory from Turkey, the Crimea, the Caucasus and Iran.

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