
Valley of the Mills

In Mossano along the river is the Valley of the Mills. Among the many working in the last century, there is only one left today, and it is of a truly unique beauty! Surrounded by a rich vegetation of flowers and trees is the ideal destination for a trip outside the door to do in Veneto.To reach this little paradise … Park in front of the church of Mossano, a small town in the Berici Hills and a few meters further on we turn the path 81. The Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills) is a cluster of a dozen buildings, tastefully restored, which in the past were water mills, fed by the little stream that marks the valley, and by a series of small canals. These mills had the ability to work with very little water: it was the huge wooden wheels (some are restored and in operation) that made this power possible. One, in particular, is truly impressive. The path follows the stream bordered by calla bushes and very old fig trees. The sound of the water is harmonious and light. Hanging on the walls of the houses are old rusty farm tools, in the pots flowering plants, roses full of color.

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