Established in 1195, as it is stated in the inscription that is located at the entrance, the church of San Silvestro shows a incomplete façade, which was likely to be composed of two overlapping orders and be crowned with a bell tower, like the Church of San Michele, on the other side of the square.
Under the horizontal frame, which is decorated with reliefs depicting various hunting scenes, dragons, human busts and animals, there are three windows: a mullioned window at the center and other two on the sides.
Twin columns of recycled-marble sustain the central mullioned window, which is richly decorated with plant motifs; the other two windows are positioned on twisted columns, whose bases consist of upside-down capitals.
The beautiful build in portal is decorated with life scenes and animals fighting images.
The interior, simple and austere, yet monumental, has three naves which are erected on squat columns. Particularly remarkable is the two half-barrel vault of the central naves’ overlay, unusual for an Umbrian religious building.
At the bottom of the nave, the presbytery is raised over the crypt, small and mystical, in a unique straw with two columns supporting the groin vaults.
The town of Bevagna and the Church of San Silvestro worked as background of the movie set scene of the third film by Luciana Cavani dedicated to S. Francesco, which was broadcasted on Rai Uno in 2014.