Ubari Oasis is one of the most stunning oases in the world, situated in the southwest region of Libya. The capital of the Wadi al Hayaa District, the oasis town is a truly picturesque gem in the vast and empty Saharan landscape. The Berber-speaking town is sprawled across the dunes and lakes, that are of gold’s worth here. The oasis will give you amazing views of the wallpaper, which is unknown. The oasis in the center of the wilderness is concealed by the palms and other small plants along the shore.
The waters in it do not seem to be ideal to be ingested because salt is high. Nor is it ideal for diving because the water is very polluted.
Average annual rainfall is one of the lowest on the earth with only 8 mm and it can easily pass through many decades without any precipitation.
Ubari has free, perpetual sunlight and clear skies throughout the year and through all seasons. Over this bone-dry land, clouds are extremely rare. High average temperatures from June to September reach 40 ° C (104 ° F).
The desert is a wild and desolate area of territory, and the desert oasis offers body and soul with a soothing refresh.
And if you have enough in the desert, you can circle around and see an oasis as a mirage, but we promise that many of them will be actual.
These desert are known for not only it’s beauty but also the culture with making the place more vulnerable and attracts more people to visit at least once in their lives, above is the list we made of the most beautiful desert oases in the world.