The woods of Cerbaie, a real enchanted forest, can be found between Pinete, Torre and Vedute, in the Fucecchio area, close to the nature reserve of the Marshland.
Here, thanks to the damp and fresh climate,common trees such as alder, oak and white firs grow alongside rarer plants such as Drosera Rotundifolia, a carnivorous plant from the ice age and the Osmunda Regalis, typical plant of tropical climates, dating from around 10 million years ago. In this natural habitat, which has remained intact despite its closeness to the city, it is still possible to come across squirrels, badgers, porcupines, magpies and woodpeckers.
Today, part of this area is accessible by following the trekking trails which wind their way through the undergrowth and open out into rest areas equipped with tables and benches, ideal for a picnic or snack.