Between the seaside resort of Grado and the "starry city" of Palmanova, stands the town of Torviscosa with the rare characteristic of being a real foundation town. Built during the twenty years of Fascism around the SNIA Viscosa factory, at that time the largest Italian company in the artificial textile sector, it is a city-factory designed entirely by the architect Giuseppe De Min, conceiving it according to the guidelines of Fascist architecture. With a rationalist layout, but with elements of neo-classical inspiration, Torviscosa has perfectly preserved its extraordinary architectural heritage to which the industrial plant and the large entrance square, once called Piazza dell’Autarchia, belong. The square is surrounded by the building of the present Information and Documentation Centre, by the adjacent "T"-shaped panoramic tower, by the theatre and by the after-work club. The neighbouring residential quarters, conceived as a unit to accommodate workers, employees and managers, and the current Piazza del Popolo, once Piazza dell’Impero, inspired by Giorgio De Chirico’s metaphysical scenes, are also of considerable interest.