Uncontaminated Nature

Tirino, the cleanest river in Italy

A record to hold on to, to preserve over time. The Tirino River is considered the cleanest in Italy and among the very first in Europe. Only those who have navigated it will be able to understand why: the clarity of its waters allows the sun’s rays to filter in depth, causing photosynthesis of chlorophyll, and with it the oxygenation of the water. All this allows the river to guarantee the survival of flora and fauna, never as rich as here. The color becomes a meeting between the intense blue and emerald green, which is even more saturated with sunlight, until it takes on shades so special to fascinate the visitor. At the "Centro Bosso" it is possible to take a canoe ride on this marvel of nature in the most transparent stretch and near the springs… A canoe trip is just what you need to immerse yourself in the sounds and colours of nature, gliding gently on fresh and crystal clear waters. The Bosso Cooperative Society Via Capodacqua, 6 – 67022 Capestrano (AQ) c / o Tourism and Training Center Valley Tirino Telephone: single number 0859808009 Winter secretariat hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

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