Uncontaminated Nature

Coyote Buttes and The Wave

“The Wave” is a stunning, undulating sandstone rock formation located in the Coyote Buttes North area of the Arizona Strip, near the Arizona-Utah border. Renowned for its picturesque beauty and striking, wave-like structure, it has become one of the most photographed locations in the United States, attracting photographers and adventurers from around the world.

The formation is made of Jurassic-age Navajo Sandstone, approximately 190 million years old, that has been slowly eroded by wind and rain to form smooth, undulating layers of rock. The rich, varying colors of the rock—from deep reds to yellows and oranges—are a result of iron oxide pigments within the layers, while the soft, flowing contours of the rock face create an illusion of waves frozen in time.

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Access to The Wave is controlled and limited by a permit system to preserve its delicate beauty and prevent overcrowding. Only 20 permits are granted per day; 10 are given in advance through an online lottery, and the other 10 are distributed via a walk-in lottery at the Kanab Visitor Center in Kanab, Utah. This system ensures a balance between visitor access and conservation efforts, keeping the site pristine and minimizing environmental impact.

The hike to The Wave is about 6.4 miles round trip and is considered moderately difficult, mainly due to the lack of a defined trail and the need for some route-finding skills. Hikers need to be well-prepared with plenty of water, sun protection, and navigation tools like GPS or detailed maps, as the area can be challenging to navigate and is exposed to extreme heat, especially during the summer months.


Visiting The Wave provides a unique opportunity to experience and photograph one of nature’s most exquisite creations. The surreal, dream-like landscape not only offers a chance for stunning photography but also a profound moment of connection with the ancient, natural world.

For those planning to visit or seeking more information about this remarkable location, resources like Secret World provide detailed travel guides and tips. Additionally, for an in-depth exploration of The Wave and its surrounding areas, this comprehensive guide can offer valuable insights and practical advice for ensuring a safe and fulfilling adventure.

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