One hundred and ten steps, no more, no less and from then top a lovely panoramic view over nearly all of Umbria.The Town Hall, an almost exactly circular building called in old times People Palace, is located in the Town Square.
Built in 1270 in a much small size, was later enlarged on the whole left side during the 15th century, when a porch with octagonal pillars, finished off with capitals decorated with large Acanthus leaves, was added: a big terrace dominating the square rises above the Renaissance loggia.
The façade along Corso Mameli preserves a beautiful recording of the 1200 building: the elegant twin window with a spiral pillar. The bell tower raises above the Town Hall and after the renovation and safety works, it’s possible to access to it to enjoy a breathtaking view. On the first floor of the palace there is the Municipal Library with beyond 10.000 volumes including several sixteenth-century editions, 76 incunabula and about 100 manuscripts.
A fresco of the “Madonna of Majesty”, attributable to Giovanni di Corraduccio, is located within the second hall of the Library. The current Council Hall, on the last floor of the Palace, was the headquarters in 1700 of the Theatre of Eagle that remained active until the end of 1800. The Council Hall presents elegant 1800 decorations and is furnished with tables, chairs and benches with the municipal emblem engraved on their back.