Uncontaminated Nature

The Secca of the Banco di Santa Croce

Next to the Bikini beach of Vico Equense, there is the site of the Secca del Banco di Santa Croce, also known as the Bikini. It consists of three rocky bodies of different conformation, the secca di fuori, the banco dei tre sommi and the secca della grotta. The site has the highest density of biomass in the Mediterranean. Large red gorgonians, Gerardia Savaglia, large groupers in shoals of 7/8 specimens accompany the divers underwater, a multitude of sparids of all kinds and barracudas without any fear, await the divers who have just descended into the water with the intention of getting a few bites, although by now the divers have finally understood that feeding the fish is against natural logic. For the more daring, this shoal, in the summer period, is absolutely worth a visit as it is home to several species of both animals and plants, including red coral, which you will hardly find in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea.

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