Gardens and Parks

The Pumpkin Garden

<p>Did you know that there’è a little piece of’America in Caserta? For those like us è in love with’autumn, Halloween, warm colors that from white fade into’orange and brown, the <strong>Garden of Pumpkins</strong> in Pignataro Maggiore è an enchanted place.</p> <p>The <strongest>Pumpkin Garden<ugrave; largest in’Europe</strong>. Whatever ageà you are, 3 or 66, here is’è the perfect pumpkin waiting for you. Every year the garden welcomes more than 30 thousand visitors from all over Italy and itè a beautiful place. Wrapped in a’star-studded atmosphere we will find the barn, the typical red carts, the open “pick up” van seen in so many movies and TV series, the animal farm with the’alpacas, giant rabbits, Shetland ponies and crusading donkeys that give milk. And then the giant 7,000-square-meter corn maze, where you can literally get lost in nature and find the rare cobs of colorful “gem corn” formerly grown by Native Americans and the “mums”, the chrysanthemum plants, which in the U.S. are a symbol of respect and life.</p> <p>Since 2017, every autumn, there has been a renewed appointment with The Pumpkin Garden, an’experience born from an’idea of Emily and entered in a very short time the hearts of many people. Emily, as she likes to be called, è the daughter of an Italian and an American: this dual soul – together with her strength, creativity à and originality – has given birth in her the desire to create a place made of beauty, dreams and harmony. Her Pumpkin Patch brings to Italy the tradition, all stars and stripes, related to the world of pumpkins, a very tasty product that, thanks to the’carving and decorating, especially at Halloween time, è can transform any home into an enchanted place.</p> <p>l Pumpkin Garden aims to introduce , approach and experience firsthand a tradition rooted in American culture known as the " Pumpkin Patch" ( Pumpkin Gathering) which consists of spending a few hours outdoors among pumpkins to choose the one to take home and decorate for the Fall and Halloween period.</p> <p>Such an event has as its broader objective to raise awareness and approach to the "earth" discovering the’autumn from a cultural , gastronomic and artistic point of view. An ‘area of this garden è dedicated to creative workshops for children and adults.</p> <p>The ticket costs about 20 euros, is bought online and with each ticket you are entitled to a pumpkin to carve or color, as well as access to the Family Farm and the Corn Maze. Everyone picks out their “perfect pumpkin” in the field and then goes to the workshops. Children under one meter don’t pay, they don’t get the pumpkin but of course there ’è the one provided in the mom and dadà ticket. Also included in the ticket è is access to the Family Farm and the corn maze. To some it mayò seem expensive, but how much would a restaurant lunch cost you 4? Less than 20€? Perhaps much moreù…only here you live a’truly unique experience (only once a’year) and take home a special memory.</p>

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