Typical Dishes

The Pampanella of San Martino in Pensilis

Pampanella is a product derived from curing pork with spices. It is presented as baked meat with a characteristic reddish coloring resulting from covering the meat with chili peppers. The success of the product is characterized by the homogeneity and adhesion of the spices to the meat. For the production of Pampanella di San Martino in Pensilis De.Co., only the following ingredients are used, which contain no traces of GMOs: – Sweet chili pepper of Italian provenance. – Hot chili pepper of Italian provenance. – Fresh garlic of Italian provenance . – Salt. – Vinegar of Italian provenance. – Pork, raised without the use of foodstuffs that come from O.G.M. The weight of the pork varies between 70 and 90 kilograms. Within one year of approval of this specification, producers undertake to use pork from animals raised in Molise, Abruzzo or Campania. Pampanella di San Martino in Pensilis De.Co. is obtained through the following operations: (a) Pork cutting. The dissection of the meat takes place after a rest period of at least two days at a temperature that is around O ° C and below 4 ° C. Once the pork is cut up, it is laid in special steel pans. (b) Pork curing – Pork is sprinkled with salt and finely chopped fresh garlic. – Sweet chili and hot chili are added to the pork. – The mixture can be allowed to rest. (c) Preparation of the roasting pan. – Each pan thus obtained is covered with waxed paper and lightly moistened straw paper. – Each obtained baking pan is placed in a special oven, previously brought to a temperature of about 300° C for about two hours. The pampanella, a product thanks to which the Sammartinesi are recognized in their Region and surrounding areas, is one of those archaic foods linked to the territory from an unspecified period, certainly of peasant manufacture since pork (especially that with a thread of fat), chili peppers, garlic and vinegar are used in its preparation. The meat is sprinkled with finely chopped fresh garlic and salt, then hot and sweet chili peppers, and finally placed in the oven for it to cook. Before serving it is drizzled with vinegar. Many prefer to consume it as soon as it is taken out of the oven to bring out the flavors, but there are those who do not disdain to let it cool.

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