Palaces, Villas and Castles

The Mirabell Palace in Salzburg

The Mirabell Palace was built in 1606 by the immensely wealthy and powerful Prince-Archbishop Wolf-Dietrich for his mistress, Salomé Alt, and their 15 children. If you can, visit in summer. That’s when the flowers are in bloom, and the gardens are really amazing.Mirabell is a woman’s name from Italy, a compilation of two words: mirabile “admirable” and bella “beautiful”. The Marble Hall, the former banquet hall of the prince-archbishops, is generally regarded as one of the “most beautiful wedding halls in the world”. In former times, the likes of Leopold Mozart and his children, Wolfgang and Nannerl, made music here. Nowadays, it regularly hosts weddings, conferences and awards ceremonies. The Marble Hall also provides an atmospheric venue for the SchlossKonzerteMirabell concerts. The “Angel Staircase”, which leads up to the Marble Hall, is decorated with numerous cherubs. Mirabell Palace looks back on a colorful history. Today, Mirabell Palace is home to municipal offices as well as those of the mayor of Salzburg.

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