Uncontaminated Nature

The lake of Comabbio

Lake Comabbio is a lake of glacial origin in the province of Varese. It is located between Lake Maggiore and Lake Varese. There are five towns on the shores of the lake: Ternate, Varano Borghi, Vergiate, Mercallo and Comabbio.it’s a quiet lake, the ideal place to spend a few carefree hours, perhaps taking advantage of one of the many typical restaurants in the area. Here you can eat delicacies such as lavarello in carpione, perch fillets au gratin, pasta with lake ragout and, finally, the delicious lasagnetta with char.the area of Lake Comabbio is a splendid natural oasis rich in fauna.among the things to see in Comabbio we recommend the Church of San Giacomo, built in 1550 and almost immediately revisited in the years between 1596 and 1610. A single-nave building, it is worth visiting for the lintel painted around the end of 1500. Still on the religious theme, one of the things to see in Comabbio is the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Rosario, which also has a single nave and inside which there is a wonderful altar dating back to 1600. Lake Comabbio has a cycle path that links Corgeno and Ternate, passing through Varano Borghi.

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