The hermitage of San Colombano seems to almost melt into the rock in which it was carved. The place is particularly impressive and can be reached by climbing 102 steps.
The hermitage is located in the municipality of Trambileno, about 3 km from Rovereto. Carved into the rock, it can be reached by climbing 102 steps, overlooking the river Leno. It was built in 1319 and named after the Irish saint Columbanus, who lived between 543 and 615, who, according to legend, killed a dragon that lived in the cave.
Some natural cavities, halfway up the rock face, were used from 753 onwards by monks dedicated to hermitage who probably came from the Monastery of Bobbio. Between the end of the tenth century and the beginning of the eleventh a small church was built near the opening of the cave, under a natural roof of rock. This hermitage, also called the Hermit’s Cave, was used until 1782 and, when the practice of hermitage was abolished, it was looked after by the inhabitants of the valley.
There are frescoes depicting the battle between St. Colombano and the dragon and a depiction of Paradise. A Madonna and Saints from the 15th century is on the high altar.
Numerous are the ancient engravings with invocations that testify the pilgrimages to the sanctuary over the centuries and the ex-votos. Every year at Christmas a suggestive torchlight procession is organized and mass is celebrated.