The Flavian Amphitheatre of Pozzuoli is one of the largest amphitheatres of Roman times in Italy, beaten only by the examples of Rome and Capua. An authentic jewel, that the good architects of Vespasian, the same of the Colosseum of Rome, built in opus reticulatum and brick.
Its construction to replace the ancient building of the Roman Republican age, was not too rapid, and saw the passage of Nero, Vespasian and Titus, until, in 79 A.D., it could certainly be defined complete also in the external vestments. The Colosseum Puteolano was built where the main streets of the region converged, the Via Domitiana and the road to Naples. It could accommodate up to 40 thousand spectators who came here to watch the gladiatores and was designed with three orders overlapping (ima, media and summa cavea), four major entrances and twelve secondary, ensuring, therefore, convenient and efficient accessibility. Like the colosseum it was equipped with a light-shielding system.