Historical Sites

The city of Portobelo

The city of Portobelo is a historic town located on the Caribbean coast of Panama, a few kilometers east of the port of Colón. The city was founded by the Spanish in 1597 as a trading port for ships sailing between Central America and Spain.Over the next few centuries, Portobelo became an important trading center for gold, silver, and precious stones that were mined in Central American mines. In the 18th century, Portobelo was the most important port in the region, with a large flow of ships docking to trade.However, the city was also targeted by pirates and privateers, including Sir Francis Drake, who sacked the city in 1596, and Henry Morgan, who attacked the city in 1668 and destroyed it.Despite the pirate attacks, Portobelo was rebuilt and developed further during the colonial era. The town became an important religious center, with the erection of several Baroque churches, including the Church of San Felipe, built in 1814.Today, the city of Portobelo is a popular tourist destination, known for its ancient Spanish forts and Baroque churches. The town was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. Every year in October, the city hosts a religious festival known as "El Cristo Negro," during which the statue of a black Christ is carried in procession through the streets of the city.

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