The Church of San Giovanni Battista, a true jewel of Ligurian baroque, is better known as the church "dei Corallini" because it was built at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries with the proceeds of the companies of fishermen who fished for coral in the seas of Corsica and Sardinia. For the past few years, during the months of July and August, on the splendid churchyard with its balcony overlooking the sea, the International Festival of Chamber Music has been held, where the most important artists of Europe offer moonlight concerts.
The construction project was entrusted to the architect Gio Batta Marvaldi in 1686, but the work was not completed due to his death in 1706. His son Giacomo Filippo Marvaldi took over the direction of the work and completed it around 1722. The interior of the church has a single nave and a good number of side altars and chapels. The first one, on the right side, is dedicated to San Nicola da Tolentino where there is a canvas, by an unknown painter, which portrays the thaumaturge saint; the next one is dedicated to the Purgatory Souls and was realized in 1772 by the Genoese sculptor Bernardo Gaggino and here are kept, in the big niche, the wooden group of San Giovanni Battista (XVII century) by Marcantonio Poggio, the statue of the Madonna del Rosario and that of the Immacolata, this last one a work by the sculptor Anton Maria Maragliano.