The Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore was built in the 13th century, on pre-existing structures of an ancient parish church. The current appearance is the result of a reshaping at the end of the 19th century which, in addition to reshaping the interior, has also reversed the orientation of the main hall, placing the entrance (now) in a diametrically opposite position. The interior is enriched with numerous works of art from different centuries. The portal and the marble ambo dating back to the end of the 13th century, the work of Melchiorre da Montalbano, a pupil of Bartolomeo da Foggia, and the tomb (14th century) of the nobleman Enrico Sanseverino, the work of the famous Tino di Camaino or of his closest circle, are part of the historical and artistic Medieval furnishings. In the presbytery is also preserved part of the ancient 13th century paving.