Typical Dishes

The Biscuits of San Martino

On November 11, in Sicily, it is customary to eat St. Martin’s cookies, which have different variants, depending on the area where you are. In Palermo, there are the simple ones, dry biscuits flavored with fennel seeds and the soft ones filled with jam or ricotta cheese. In ancient times, it was said that there was a San Martino for the rich and a San Martino for the poor. biscotti di san martinoL ‘November 11, was celebrated by those who had no economic problems and could afford a midweek party, while the less fortunate celebrated the Sunday following the anniversary, when they took the "simanata" (the weekly pay). The custom is that these biscuits, particularly dry and hard, are accompanied by someone dipped in Moscato wine or malvasia or zibibbo di Pantelleria.

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