The beautiful Pulhapanzak waterfall, which is located near Lake Yojoa, it´s only about 20 minutes drive from Lake Yojoa taking the road that goes to Peña Blanca. Pulhapanzak is a beautiful waterfall which is kind of lost in the middle of nowhere. It is the most famous waterfall in Honduras, and the biggest as well, dropping about 140 feet. As for reference, the worldwide famous Niagara Falls drop about 170 feet, so Pulhapanzak is only 30 feet shorter in height, so you can bet it is an impressive waterfall alright. As for the width Pulhapanzak is not even close to Niagara Falls, the impressive feeling is only about the height.
Pulhapanzak is a name that comes from ancient native languages, some people say it´s a voice from Mayan language, some others say it´s from Nahuatl language. Anyway, the most accepted version is that Pulhapanzak comes from a Nahuatl expression which means "Rebalse del Río Blanco", in english it would be like "Overflow of White River". Rio Blanco or White River is a very known river in the region.
When you go to Pulhapanzak you can actually go very close to the waterfall. You can admire the beauty of the waterfall from a certain distance and that is what most people and visitors do, but you can also get into the waterfall if you dare, not many people have the guts to do it because it´s kind of scary.