Art, Theaters and Museums

The Archaeological Museum of "Muro Lucano".

The Museum is divided into several sections and presents the archaeological evidence of the territory of north-western Basilicata. The first section illustrates the results of the excavations carried out in the important settlement of Baragiano, through the reconstruction of a sector of the archaic necropolis, in which the most significant grave goods have been placed. The second section is dedicated to the Lucanian phase of the territory with finds from the ancient centre of Raia San Basilio, in the Murese area, and the Hellenistic sanctuary of c.da Fontana Bona di Ruoti. The third section illustrates the process of Romanisation of the area, thanks to the evidence coming from the numerous villas found in the territory, of which the rich mosaics are exposed. Finally, a section is dedicated to the job of the archaeologist, to stratigraphic excavation, to the deciphering of the stories that the earth tells to those who try to interpret its language.

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