The Cave is very old. Between the 11th and 14th centuries it was used as a guard post of the castle and court of the Baron. Outside remains a portal surmounted by an arch and, on the keystone, the bas-relief of a Christ the judge ruined by time, with the inscription "salvador". Between the 15th and 16th centuries it became a rock church. The fattening that it gave on the square collapsed in the 1805 earthquake, and the room was closed by a window. Excavated a second entrance, the cave became a dwelling, stable, warehouse, dump. It was also used by the population as a shelter from the bombardments. In 1977, at the proposal of the parish priest Don Orlando di Tella, the voluntary work of the pietracupesi recovered it as a church. A millstone became the altar and on it was suspended an ancient armless crucifix found in the cave among the rubbish, deliberately not restored ("My arms are you"). Around the altar the benches in a circle recall an intense community vision.