Teran wine was first mentioned in the late 14th century, when it was served in ceramic bottles to imperial ambassadors. Until about a hundred years ago it was the most widely planted wine variety in Istria.
It is a wine with a strong and firm character; it is the wine of the Istrian peasants with a sour taste, liked even by the nobility, while local families offered it to the host.
Already on the vine, Teran is distinguished by a rich and robust character. It grows in large clusters, the flesh is firm and the kernels dense with a tough skin. Teran is great for those in search of the authentic and the undiscovered, for the passionate and eager for new discoveries.
They say it has the color of hare’s blood; if you swirl the wine in the glass you will notice purplish tones, while in the aroma the smell of raspberry prevails.
Some of the best terranes currently on the Croatian market originate in northwestern Istria.
A glass of teran goes very well with meat dishes and game, particularly if they are spicy. It is recommended with prosciutto and cheese, the typical Istrian appetizer, even tastier when served with homemade bread.