
Temple of Minerva Medica

The temple of Minerva Medica is a historical building immersed in a small wood near Montefoscoli. It was built between 1821 and 1823 by Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri, doctor and luminary of the University of Pisa, to celebrate the memory of his father Francesco. Both illustrious doctors of the University of Pisa, the two Vaccà laid the foundations of modern medicine, founding the Pisan Surgical School. The dedication to Minerva Medica instead of Aesculapius, god of Medicine, can be interpreted as a greater openness towards the various interests of Francesco Vaccà, who was also a scholar of philosophy. The Temple is made entirely of brick, except for the lintel in white marble. It is constituted in a very curious form, which has given rise to various interpretations including that of being a Masonic meeting place. It is accessed by climbing a large staircase with a portico with 8 columns in Ionic style. The interior is characterized by a large vestibule that opens onto a large semicircular room. There are documents that testify that Andrea’s father, Francesco Vaccà Berlinghieri, had several times applied Galvanism (stimulation of muscles by electric current) to human corpses.

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