On 13th April 1927, during the reclamation works of Stornara, a burial of tuff slabs containing a precious woman’s funeral trousseau was discovered.
In the trousseau recovered there were: a pelike of black paint, some equal stuffed with relief rosettes on the shoulder, a jar with a drain spout, a clay patera, a diadem and a pair of gold foil earrings dated between the end of the 4th – 3rd century BC.
The diadem is made up of 11 cylindrical elements, 18 small balls in foil, decorated in a mould with a Herculean knot pendant in foil decorated on the surface with filigree floral motifs. 18 December 1953, in the land owned by Mr. Antonio Russo, along the Taranto-Metaponto road, three tombs were found, arranged in an H shape, composed of carparo slabs.
At the time they recovered a diadem and a pair of earrings in gold foil dated to the beginning of the third century BC, many similar to those found in the district Girifalco. This indicates that these artifacts were produced in the same workshop, but with different prices. The gold was attributed to goldsmiths from Taranto. They are called the "Ori di Ginosa