Vulcano ham is an exceptional raw ham that has a unique flavour and is difficult to describe but easy to try especially in Graz restaurants. Vulcano ham is cured for at least six months, marinated with herbs and finished with a touch of beech wood. And, of course, a lot of patience. The result: a high-quality branded product from a region rich in tradition: produced with loving care, craftsmanship and lots of instinct – a light and delicate pleasure.
The Styrian Vulkanland region is a paradise for wine connoisseurs and lovers of regional specialities.
It is very interesting to visit the "Vulcano Ursprung" centre in Auersbach and discover the origins and flavours of the famous Styrian smoked ham. On two floors, you will find 1,000 m² to explore. Here you will discover the fascinating secrets of this exquisite delicacy.