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Styrian pumpkin seed oil

Styrian pumpkin seed oil, also known in Styria as "black gold", is actually a natural dark green. It has an exquisitely fresh, nutty flavor and is extremely healthy. Pumpkin seed oil is a wonderful salad dressing and is normally used in cold dishes. However, it is also very good after a light warming, or drizzled over bowls of soup, and to give a sophisticated flavour to main dishes and puddings. And it’s not just good: it’s cholesterol-free, rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Fantastically healthy and delicious! Facts and figures: Since 1998, more than 2000 pumpkin seed oil producers and about 30 Styrian oil mills have been members of a producer association called "Steirisches Kürbiskernöl g.g.A.", with the following objectives: Protect the regional origin Ensure the quality of Styrian pumpkin seed oil. Facts and figures: One litre of genuine Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. (Protected Geographical Indication) requires about 2.5 kg of dried pumpkin seeds, i.e. about 30-35 pumpkins.

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