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Stranggozzi are a long pasta with a rectangular section, typical of the Folignate-Spoletino area but also widespread throughout Umbria, Marche and Lazio. They are also called, depending on the area, stringozzi, strengozzi, strongozzi. The name seems to derive from string, for the shape that recalled leather shoelaces. They are confused with strozzapreti, because in those same areas where the Papal States ruled (today’s Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Lazio, and Marche) the unsympathetic clergy delighted in choking priests with said strings. Hence the erroneous association about pasta shapes that do not really resemble each other except in goodness. Moving on from the macabre, typical Umbrian strangozzi are a tasty first course (which can become unique) that is versatile depending on the seasons for the choice of sauce: with mushrooms, truffle or meat.

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