<p>"<strong>Stanze in Fiore</strong>" The 7-acre garden surrounds the neo-classical country villa built in the 1800s. Work started in 2000 at the behest of Rossella Pezzino de Geronimo, with the idea of creating a contemporary flower garden bringing together about 1000 species of rare tropical and sub-tropical plants.</p>
<p>This welcoming garden is divided into interconnected areas in a natural, non-geometrical manner, providing a sensory journey that reveals itself little by little, with the colours and scents of climbing plants and flowering shrubs, and the gentle lapping of water as its leitmotifs.Ponds, lakes and streams brimming with colourful water lilies, both tropical and hardy, and with lotus flowers and water hyacinths, live together in perfect harmony with the surrounding precious plants.In 2016 Rossella Pezzino de Geronimo created a garden dedicated to the afterworld and resurrection.</p>
<p>This is a symbolic, highly imaginative garden studded with modern sculptures, a Garden of Eden…</p>