St Alexandar Nevski Memorial Church is Sofia’s most photographed monument, Alexandar Nevski is a magnificent neo-Byzantine cathedral-sized church, topped by copper and golden domes and one of the largest Eastern Orthodox churches in the world. Built between 1882 and 1912, the church takes its name from Alexandar Nevski, credited with saving Russia from Swedish troops in 1240, and the patron saint of the family of the tsar at that time, Alexander II who led the army that drove out the Turks.The inside is even more impressive; a darkened interior with vast domes covered with delicate murals. The central altar is dedicated to St Alexandar Nevski,the southern altar to St Boris (who brought Christianity to Bulgaria) and the northern altar to Saints Cyril and Methodius (who created the Cyrillic alphabet).The Icon Museum, located in the crypt, has over 300 icons and mural frescoes tracing the development of Bulgarian icon-painting from the late ninth century up to the end of the 19th century.