The heady scents of saffron, cloves, sugar and spice fill the air at the Egyptian Spice Bazaar and Market, or Misir Carsisi, one of Istanbul’s oldest markets. Aisle after aisle of stallholders sell their wares in this cavernous covered market, built in 1660, under the market’s vaulted ceiling lit by Turkish lamps. Baskets filled with every spice under the sun add colors of gold, orange, yellow and green, and the array of dried fruits and nuts is astounding. Stock up on Turkish delight, dried apricots, pistachios and walnuts, honey sweets and top-quality saffron. This is a place to simply dive in and wander. Don’t have an agenda, just walk the crowded stalls and get lost. Stop for a tea, stop to chat with a carpet seller. If you’re in a rush, you’re missing the point.