Typical Products

Sorrento POmodori

Endowed with valuable organoleptic characteristics, pleasing to the palate and counted among the delicacies of Mediterranean cuisine, Sorrento tomatoes are part of the qualified context of typical local products that characterizes the particularly rich and, indeed, qualified offer of the Land of the Sirens.Although they cannot boast of ancient traditions – like those that for centuries have involved walnuts, citrus fruits and other processed products of the City of Tasso – these exquisite vegetables have gained notoriety and met the favor of an increasing number of consumers also thanks to a particularly pleasant flavor. Juicy and endowed with an apparently "fleshy" pulp, with an absolutely sweet and delicate flavor, Sorrento tomatoes are large in size and round in shape.In gastronomy, their taste is enhanced when used – raw – for the preparation of salads (first of all the famous "caprese", prepared with the ‘help of mozzarella, olive oil and basil). Actually, in the Sorrento Peninsula, the production of tomatoes dates back to relatively recent times. According to some, in fact, it is a variety born as a result of the trade exchanges that have characterized relations between the Land of the Sirens and America especially at the beginning of the last century.At the beginning of the twentieth century, in fact, some local entrepreneurs, engaged in maritime trade, in exporting citrus fruits, nuts and oils to the new continent, would in turn have imported seeds that planted in the fertile lands of the Coast would give rise to a flourishing and appreciated cultivation. Initially limited to the municipalities of the so-called "Colli" area (between Sant’ Agnello and Piano di Sorrento), the same production, soon, would not only spread to the rest of the Sorrento Peninsula, but would also involve other areas of Vesuvius.According to experts, however, to maintain high quality standards, it is essential to take advantage of the climate, environmental conditions and the quality of the soils of the Coast.

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