The Simon-Loschen-Leuchtturm is a lighthouse located in the port of Bremerhaven in northern Germany. Built in 1853, the lighthouse is one of the oldest in the region and is an important symbol of the city.The lighthouse was named after Simon Loschen, who was the lighthouse’s first director and worked for many years to ensure the safety of navigation in the area. The lighthouse is about 25 meters high and was built of red brick, with a tower-like structure.The lighthouse has been renovated over the years and is now open to the public. Inside the lighthouse, visitors can learn about the history of navigation in the Bremerhaven region, admire the panoramic view of the city and harbor, and discover how a lighthouse works.The lighthouse also offers a unique experience for visitors, who can climb to the top of the lighthouse and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the city and harbor of Bremerhaven.The lighthouse is an important symbol of the city of Bremerhaven and its maritime history. Due to its strategic location in the harbor, the lighthouse has helped ensure the safety of navigation in the region for many years.In summary, the Simon-Loschen-Leuchtturm is a lighthouse located in Bremerhaven harbor that is an important symbol of the city and its maritime history. Built in 1853, the lighthouse is one of the oldest in the region and was dedicated to Simon Loschen, who worked for many years to ensure the safety of navigation in the area. The lighthouse has been renovated over the years and is now open to the public, offering a unique experience for visitors who can enjoy panoramic views of the city and harbor and learn about the history of navigation in the region.