Typical Dishes

Scialatielli with seafood

Created in the 60’s by chef Enrico Cosentino from Amalfi. The shape of scialatielli is innovative also in the ingredients used. A dough with flour, milk, pecorino cheese, egg, basil, salt and pepper, that chef Cosentino gave to scialatielli a characteristic shape, distinctly irregular due to the totally manual processing.The dialectal term "scialatielli" derives from the verb "sciglià" which in Neapolitan dialect means "to disarrange" In Italian language the verb "scompigliare", referred to hair, means "to ruffle, to put in disorder, to disarrange" The scialatielli in fact, arranged steaming on the serving plate, appear as a disordered mass of pasta. A typical recipe of the coast are precisely scialatielli with seafood. A delicacy to try…. Ingredients: clams mussels fasolari cannolicchi shrimps scampi garlic cloves extra virgin olive oil cherry tomatoes parsley salt and pepper to taste

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