Constructed between 1949 and 1952, Säynätsalo Town Hall is among Alvar Aalto’s most significant works. It holds a special status in the history of twentieth-century architecture. This unique building attracted attention even at the construction stage. Since completion, the building has attracted visitors from all over the world: groups of students and architects as well as individual visitors. Today, about 3,000–4,000 people visit the site every year. Some say that the town hall has made Säynätsalo the best-known island in Finland internationally.
An invitational competition was held for the design of Säynätsalo Town Hall in 1949. Aalto created a distinctive monument for the small municipality of Säynätsalo. This castle-like red brick building has an elevated courtyard with entrances to the administrative offices and the library. Located higher than the rest of the building, the council chamber dominates the area. The building also has apartments and commercial facilities, some of which have been converted for other purposes. Aalto monitored the construction of the town hall with great care. It is regarded as one of his main works.
Säynätsalo Town Hall is open on reguests.