Santa Maria del Molise is a small village at the foot of the Matese River, which offers visitors many surprises. As you approach the centre of the town, you cross a particularly suggestive area, because it is marked by a series of small water channels, which give rise to the Rio River, one of the main tributaries of the Biferno River, and which are probably the basis of the ancient name of the town, called Capo d’Acqua.Approaching the centre of the town you cross a particularly suggestive area, because it is marked by a series of small water channels, which give rise to the river Rio, one of the main tributaries of the river Biferno, and which are probably at the base of the ancient name of the town, called in fact Capo d’Acqua.
In the past, water was used for the operation of a power station and several mills, one of which has recently been renovated and now represents a beautiful testimony of the past.