In 1988 a group of young artists from St. Christina created a nativity scene at the Iman sports centre in St. Christina, which brought the artists involved into the limelight. The first life-size sculpture made of Swiss stone pine wood was a sower. Then the group of artists decided to carve a life-size nativity scene. The Holy Virgin and Baby Jesus were the first figures, during the following Advent displayed in the church, creating a wonderful atmosphere.
This was followed by St. Joseph, the Three Wise Men, a shepherd, a donkey, a camel and three sheep. With each new sculpture, the group of 18 artists met to discuss and compare the new characters. From this point of view, the project can be considered as a socio-cultural project for the life of the village, but obviously it is to be considered first of all an artistic project.
In the year 2000 the artists have reached their goal, the life-size figures are exhibited in a wooden stable at the Sportcenter Iman, in the centre of the village. New figures are added periodically. This nativity scene is one of the largest wooden nativity scenes in the world!